4 Benefits of Outsourcing Your Firm’s Legal Services

Your law firm has a lot of moving parts.
You’ve got cases in discovery, new cases, cases heading for settlement, cases gearing up for trial, and old cases. With many of your cases, you need to serve witnesses, track down legal documents, or find that slippery defendant.
Keeping your legal services – skip tracing, document retrieval, or service of process – in-house seems to make sense, especially if you’re heading up a busy law firm that needs these services often.
However, outsourcing these services to the right contractor may actually leave you less stressed and with more money in your firm’s accounts.
Here are 4 benefits of outsourcing your firm’s legal services:
You could look for an in-house employee that’s able to handle the skip tracing, document retrieval, and (depending on your state) process serving duties for your firm. However, filling this role with someone who already knows how to handle all these tasks is a tall order.
What’s more likely to happen is you’ll find someone smart and capable of learning, but whom you will need to train. Or, you’ll tap one of your current paralegals or legal assistants to add these duties to their already growing list of responsibilities.
And if you suddenly come upon a time where you have fewer documents that need served or defendants found, what’s there for that employee to do?
By outsourcing to a legal services firm, you’ll get people experienced in your needed service who can get your job done without training and without waiting. You just tell them what you need done and they do it.
Because legal services professionals are able to specialize in their chosen field, you can rest easy knowing the fee you’re paying isn’t going to grow because the work has to be redone.
Your employees work hard. And if your law firm is busy, that means they’ve likely got massive to-do lists, and nearly everything seems pressing.
Adding extra tasks such as spending hours on the phone trying to get a document sent from a courthouse that’s not online or searching through phone books and records trying to find someone’s current address just creates one more task on your list.
If you add that task at the beginning of the morning on a Monday, other fires that need to be put out – phone calls that have to be taken, documents that have to be filed – may worm their way in, and come Friday afternoon, that task still hasn’t been completed.
A legal services firm, on the other hand, only handles specific tasks for clients. If you need a rush job done, they’ve got someone who can drop everything and get your task done now, meaning you get the progress you need faster.
As you know, the cost to hire a new employee goes far beyond just the stated salary. There’s vacation time, sick time, benefits, retirement contributions, and setting up an extra work space.
What may have once seemed like a reasonable $30,000 annual hire can quickly double or triple in cost, depending on the benefits and perks you add.
When you hire a legal services firm, the cost you’re quoted during your initial contact is the price you’ll likely pay. Sure, there may be some additional fees, such as mileage or rush fees, but you can largely predict how much each task is going to cost your firm.
Outsourcing helps you better control your costs, keeping your firm more profitable.
Every employee deserves vacation days, or gets sick from time to time.
When this happens, all pending tasks that person took care of grind to a halt, slowing progress on your cases.
This becomes an even bigger situation when an employee leaves your firm. You now have to spend extra time hiring and training a new employee, further building up a backlog of work.
Since you have nothing to do with staffing at your legal services firm, you don’t have to worry about any of these headaches!
When you call your legal services firm and ask for service of process, you don’t know who’s in or out for the day, who’s just left, and who’s in training. You just know that your job will get done without you having to take another minute out of your day.
Experienced Legal Services Firm Serving Nationwide
For more than 25 years, Torri’s Legal Services has offered reliable, affordable, professional legal services to our clients all across the country. Whether you need a subpoena served rush on a holiday weekend or you want some help finding out more about your genealogy, our skilled legal services professionals can help. Call today for a quote!